Publications by the Groisman lab.
51. Y. Gambin, V.Vandelinder, A.C.M. Ferreon, E.A. Lemke, A. Groisman, and A.A. Deniz, “Visualizing a one-way protein encounter complex by ultrafast single-molecule mixing”, Nature Methods 8, (2011) PDF
50. J.V. Mitsios, N.
Prévost, A. Kasirer-Friede, E. Gutierrez, A. Groisman, C. S. Abrams, Y.
Wang, R. I. Litvinov, A.
Zemljic-Harpf, R.S. Ross, and S.J. Shattil, “What Is Vinculin Needed for in
Platelets?”, J. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 8, 2294–2304 (2010) PDF
49. M. Skoge, M. Adler, A.Groisman, H. Levine, W. F. Loomis, and W.-J. Rappel, “Gradient sensing in defined chemotactic fields”, Integrative Biology 2, 659-668 (2010) PDF
48. P. Sundd, E. Gutierrez, M.K. Pospieszalska, H. Zhang, A. Groisman, and K. Ley, “Quantitative dynamic footprinting microscopy reveals mechanisms of neutrophils rolling”, Nature Methods 7, 821-824, (2010) PDF
47. D. Fuller, W. Chen, M. Adler, A. Groisman, H. Levine, W.-J. Rappel, and W. F. Loomis, “External and internal constraints on eukaryotic chemotaxis”, PNAS 107, 9656-9659 (2010) PDF
46. Y. Gambin, C. Simonnet, V. VanDelinder, A. Deniz, and A. Groisman, “Ultrafast microfluidic mixer with three-dimensional flow focusing for studies of biochemical kinetics”, Lab on a Chip, 10, 598-609 (2010) PDF
45. M.
Adler, M. Polinkovsky, E. Gutierrez, and A. Groisman, “Generation
of oxygen gradients with arbitrary
shapes in a microfluidic device”, Lab on a Chip, 10, 388-391 (2010) PDF
44. E. Lemke, Y. Gambin, V. VanDelinder, E.M. Brustad,
H.-W. Liu, P.G. Schultz, A. Groisman, and A. Deniz, “Microfluidic Device
for Single-Molecule Experiments with Enhanced Photostability”, JACS,
131 13610–13612 (2009) PDF
43. V. Vandelinder, A.C.M. Ferreon, Y. Gambin, A.A. Deniz, and A. Groisman, “High-Resolution Temperature-Concentration Diagram of a-Synuclein Conformation Obtained from a Single Förster Resonance Energy Transfer Image in a Microfluidic Device”, Analytical Chemistry, 81, 6929–6935 (2009) PDF
42. M.
Polinkovsky, E. Gutierrez, A. Levchenko, and A. Groisman, “Fine
temporal control of the medium gas content and acidity and on-chip generation
of series of oxygen concentrations for cell cultures”, Lab on a Chip 9, 1073-1084 (2009) PDF
41. E. Tkachenko, E. Gutierrez, M. Ginsberg, and A. Groisman “An easy to assemble microfluidic perfusion device with a magnetic clamp”, Lab on a Chip 9, 1085-1095 (2009) PDF
40. C.J. Lim, K.H. Kain, E. Tkachenko, L.E. Goldfinger, E. Gutierrez, A. Groisman, J. Zhang, M.H. Ginsberg “Integrin-mediated protein kinase A activation at the leading edge of migrating cells”, Mol Biol Cell 19, 4930-4941 (2008) PDF
39. K. Ley, J. Mestas, M. Pospieszalska, P. Sundd, A. Groisman, and A. Zarbock,
”Intravital Microscopic Investigation of Leukocyte Interactions with the Blood
Vessel Wall”, Meth. Enzymology 445, 255-279 (2008) PDF
38. A. Groisman, S. Zamek, K. Campbell, L. Pang, U. Levy, and Y. Fainman, “Optofluidic 1x4 Switch”, Optics Express 16, pp. 13499-13508 (2008) PDF
37. E. Gutierrez, B.J. Petrich, S.J. Shattil, M.H.
Ginsberg, A. Groisman, and
A. Kasirer-Friede, “Microfluidic Devices for Studies
of Shear-Dependent
Platelet Adhesion”, Lab on a Chip 8, pp. 1486–1495 (2008) PDF
M.I. Latz, M. Bovard, V Vandelinder, E. Segre, J. Rohr, and A.
Groisman, “Bioluminescent Response of
Individual Dinoflagellate Cells to Hydrodynamic Stress Measured with
Millisecond Resolution in a Microfluidic Device”, Journal of Experimental
Biology 211, pp. 2865-2875 (2008) PDF
35. L. E. Goldfinger, E. Tzima, R. Stockton, W. B. Kiosses, K. Kinbara, E. Tkachenko, E. Gutierrez, A. Groisman, P. Nguyen, S. Chien, and M. H. Ginsberg, “Localized α4 Integrin Phosphorylation Directs Shear Stress-Induced Endothelial Cell Alignment”, Circulation Research 103, pp. 177-185 (2008) PDF
33. P. Tsai, B. Migliori, K. Campbell, T.N. Kim, Z. Kam, A. Groisman, and D. Kleinfeld, “Spherical aberration correction in nonlinear microscopy and optical ablation using a transparent deformable membrane”, Applied Physics Letters 91, Art. No. 191102, (2007) PDF
32. K. Campbell, Y. Fainman, and A. Groisman, “Pneumatically actuated adaptive lenses with millisecond response time”, Applied Physics Letters 91, Art. No. 171111 (2007) PDF
31. P. Herzmark, K. Campbell, F. Wang, K. Wong, H. El-Samad, A. Groisman, and H. R. Bourne “Bound attractant at the leading vs. the trailing edge determines chemotactic prowess” PNAS 104, pp. 13349-13354 (2007) PDF
30. S. Paliwal, P. Iglesias, K. Campbell, Z. Hilioti, A. Groisman, and A. Levchenko,
mediated bimodal gene expression and adaptive gradient sensing
in yeast" Nature 446 (7131), pp. 46-51 (2007) PDF
29. E. Gutierrez and A. Groisman, “Quantitative measurements of the strength of adhesion of human neutrophils to a substratum in a microfludic device”, Analytical Chemistry 79, pp. 2249-2258 (2007) PDF
28. V. VanDelinder and A. Groisman, “Perfusion in microfluidic cross-flow: separation of white blood cells from whole blood and exchange of medium in a continuous flow”, Analytical Chemistry 79, pp. 2023-2030 (2007) PDF
27. K. Campbell and A. Groisman, “Generation of complex concentration profiles in microchannels in a logarithmically small number of steps”, Lab on a Chip 7, pp. 264-272 (2007) PDF
26. K. Campbell, U. Levi, Y. Fainman, and A. Groisman, “Pressure-driven devices with lithographically fabricated composite epoxy-elastomer membranes”, Applied Physics Letters 89, Art. #154105 (2006) PDF
25. C. Simonnet and A.
Groisman, “High-throughput and high-Resolution flow cytometry in
molded microfluidic devices”, Analytical Chemistry 78, pp. 5653-5663 (2006) PDF
24. O. Shefi, C. Simonnet, M.W. Baker, J. Glass, E.
Macagno, and A. Groisman, ”Microtargeted gene silencing and ectopic
expression in live embryos using biolistic delivery with a pneumatic
capillary gun”, Journal of Neuroscience 26, pp. 6119-6123
(2006) PDF
23. V. VanDelinder and A. Groisman, “Separation of plasma from whole human blood in a continuous cross-flow in a molded microfluidic device”, Analytical Chemistry 78, pp. 3765-3771 (2006) PDF
22. U. Levi, K. Campbell, A. Groisman, S. Mookherjea and Y. Fainman, “On-chip microfluidic tuning of an optical microring resonator”, Applied Physics Letters 88, Art. No. 111107 (2006) PDF
21. A. Groisman, C. Lobo, H. Cho, K. J. Campbell, Y. S. Dufour, A. M. Stevens and A. Levchenko,
“A Microfluidic Chemostat for Experiments with bacterial and yeast cells”, Nature Methods 2, pp.
685-689 (2005) PDF
20. L.
Pang, U. Levy, K. Campbell, A. Groisman
and Y. Fainman, “Set of two orthogonal adaptive cylindrical
lenses in a monolith elastomer device”, Optics
Express 13, pp. 9003-9013 (2005) PDF
19. C. Simonnet and A. Groisman, “Two-dimensional hydrodynamic focusing in a simple microfluidic device”, Applied Physics Letters 87, Art. No. 114104 (2005) PDF
18. D. Rinberg, C. Simonnet and A. Groisman, “Pneumatic capillary gun for ballistic delivery of microparticles”, Applied Physics Letters 87, Art. No. 014103 (2005) PDF
17. T. N. Kim, K. Campbell, A. Groisman, D.
Kleinfeld and C. B. Schaffer, “Femtosecond laser-drilled capillary
integrated into a microfluidic device”, Applied Physics Letters 86,
Art. No. 201106 (2005) PDF
16. C. Simonnet and A. Groisman, “Chaotic Mixing in a Steady Flow in a Microchannel”, Physical Review Letters 94, Art. No. 134501 (2005) PDF
15. K. Campbell, A. Groisman, U. Levy, L. Pang, S. Mookherjea, D. Psaltis, and Y. Fainman, “A microfluidic 2×2 optical switch”, Applied Physics Letters 84, pp. 6119-6121 (2004) PDF
14. T. Burghelea, E. Segre, I. Bar-Yosef, A.
Groisman and V. Steinberg, “Chaotic flow and efficient mixing
in microchannel with a polymer solution”, Physical Review E 69: Art. No. 066305 (2004) PDF
13 A. Groisman and V. Steinberg, “Elastic
turbulence in curvilinear flows of polymer solutions”, New Journal of
Physics, Art. No. 29 (2004) PDF
12. A. Groisman, and S. R. Quake, “A microfluidic rectifier: Anisotropic flow resistance at low Reynolds numbers”, Physical Review Letters, Art. No. 094501 (2004) PDF
1994 - 2003
11. A. Groisman, M. Enzelberger and S.R. Quake, “Microfluidic memory and control devices”, Science 300, pp. 955-958 (2003) PDF
10. A. Groisman and V. Steinberg, “Efficient mixing of liquids at low Reynolds numbers using polymer additives”, Nature 410, pp. 905-908 (2001). PDF
9. A. Groisman and V. Steinberg, “Stretching of polymers in a random three-dimensional flow”, Physical Review Letters 86, pp.934-937 (2001) PDF
8. A. Groisman and V. Steinberg, “Elastic turbulence in a polymer solution flow”, Nature 405, pp. 53-55 (2000) PDF
7. A. Groisman and V. Steinberg, “Mechanism of elastic instability in Couette flow of polymer solutions: experiment”, Physics of Fluids, 10, pp.2451-2463 (1998) PDF
6. A. Groisman and V. Steinberg, “Elastic versus inertial instability in a polymer solution flow”, Europhysics Letters 43 (2), pp.165-170 (1998) PDF
5. V. Steinberg and A. Groisman, “Elastic vs. inertial instability in Couette-Taylor flow of a polymer solution: review”, Philosophical Magazine B, 78 (2), pp.253-263 (1998) PDF
4. A. Groisman and V. Steinberg, “Solitary vortex pairs in viscoelastic Couette flow”, Physical Review Letters 78, pp. 1460-63 (1997) PDF
3. A. Groisman and V. Steinberg, “Couette-Taylor flow in a dilute polymer solution”, Physical Review Letters 77, pp.1480-83 (1996) PDF
2. T. Mahr, A. Groisman and I. Rehberg, “Non-monotonic dispersion of surface waves in magnetic fluids”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 159, pp. L45-L50 (1996) PDF
1. A. Groisman and E. Kaplan, “An experimental study of cracking induced by desiccation”, Europhysics Letters 25, pp.415-420 (1994) PDF
4. “Microfluidic system and method for using same”,
with E. Gutierrez, E. Tkachenko, and M. Ginsberg,
3. “Microfluidic device and method for
high-throughput cellular gradient and dose response studies”, with S. Paliwal
and A.
2. “Pneumatic capillary gun for ballistic delivery of microscopic particles into tissue”, with D. Rinberg and C. Simonnet, US patent application No. 20080206870, published 08/28/2008 PDF
1. “Device and method for mixing substances”, with V. Steinberg, US patent #6,632,014 (2003) PDF
Media reports and feature articles highlighting our work.
Research journals and magazines.
“Enhanced photostability of fluorophors”, by Petra Dittrich, Lab on a Chip 9, 3176 (2009) PDF
“An adjustable corrective lens for two-photon microscopy”, by Hank Hogan, Biophotonics International, Jan. 2008, p. 18-19 PDF
“Self-organization in bacterial colonies”, research highlight by Petra Dittrich, Lab on a Chip 8, p. 197 (2008) PDF
“Biofilms”, Research highlight in brief, Nature Reviews Microbiology, Dec. 2007 PDF
“Crowd control”, Research highlight, Nature 450, 322 (2007) PDF
“Flow cytometry moves forward”, by Hank Hogan, Biophotonics International, Nov. 2006, p. 38-40.
“Szilard's dream”, by pp. 648-649 (2005) PDF
“Microfluids change direction”, by Nicolas Garnier, Physics World, June 2004, p.22
“Microfluidic Memory”, by Andrew de Mello, Lab on a Chip, 3, p. 35N, 2003 PDF
“Nichlineare rheologie. - Flüssige Mikroschalter” (In German. “Non-linear rheology. – Liquid micro-switch”), by Volker Drach, Physik in Unserer Zeit, 34 (5), p.200 (2003) PDF
“Controlling the flow”, by Melanie Brazil, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 2, p. 510 (2003) PDF
“Turbulence without inertia”, by Ronald G. Larson, Nature 405, pp. 27-28 (2000) PDF
On-line media and newspapers.
“Understanding Biofilms”, by Amy Proal, Bacteriality: exploring chronic decease, 2008
“Microfluidic device may reveal ways to fight antibiotic-resistant biofilms”, Medical News Today, November 14, 2007
“Together we stand: bacteria organize to survive hostile zones”,, November 13, 2007
“Efficient crowd control in bacterial colonies”, ScienceDaily, Oct. 31, 2007
“Slime city reveals how bacteria cooperate”, MSNBC Technology and Science, November 20, 2007
“Bacterial crowd control”, MicorbiologyBytes, December 21, 2007
“Welcome to the Micro-Hotel California”, Dec 2, 2007
“Self-organisation among bacteria”, by Thomas Hesselberg, Life of Science, October 31, 2007
“Microfluidic chip helps solve cellular mating puzzle”, EurekaAlert, February 2007
“Cross-flow microdevice enables plasma separation”,, June 19, 2006
“Triangles form one-way channels”, “Femtosecond Laser Brings 3-D to Microfluidics”, Photonics Spectra, August 2005
“Liquid Diode designed”, SETSquared, April 5, 2004
“Panschen im Kleinen: Fliesskontrolle und Datenspeicher mit flussigen Polymeren” (In German. “Splashes in small: flow control and data storage with liquid polymers”), Wissenschaft-online, May 9, 2003
“’Simple, cheap technology’ hold huge promise”, by United Press International, SmallTimes news report, May 2003
“Liquid memory devices, drug dispensers”, The Washington Times, May 8, 2003
“Diabetes Therapies and Liquid Memory May Develop from Micro Fluid Research, Science Researchers Say”, American Association for the Advancement of Science news report, 8 May 2003
“Microfluidics go nonlinear”, Turbulence turns elastic”, Physics Web, May 5, 2000